Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Green Tomatoes

We found a persimmon tree in our backyard!!!!! Happily I already had a book of Old-Fashioned Persimmon Recipesand so that's no big deal.

(Although in looking on Amazon for this book I found several references to fruit-infused water and I need to look into this more!)

Fruit Infused Water: 98 Delicious Recipes for Your Fruit Infuser Water Pitcher

Cool Waters: 50 Refreshing, Healthy, Homemade Thirst Quenchers

But now I am searching for GREEN TOMATO recipes. Our first frost hasn't happened yet, so I know we have more time, but we have tons of green tomatoes on the vine and I'm itching to do something useful with them.

Leah is using Natalie's watercolor pencils to make a beautiful title for one of the narrative pieces in her MLB... Natalie is doing a creative writing piece... Becca is finishing her Spanish homework... Zac is sleeping in his crib... and I am putting my feet up while simultaneously thinking about how I should hang the diapers in the washing machine out on the line, sort the clothing in the living room into thrift store vs. consignment store, have something to eat, finish the simple squmpkin soup and preheat the oven for the sweet beer bread, and type up my Beowulf notes for the website. I've already happily entered into lesson planning for our next block: 4 weeks of Science. Can't wait! Natalie has The Great River (Human Physiology) and Leah is doing the Man and Animal block. I'm actually trying to hit two Sciences, one in a morning main lesson and one in an afternoon lesson, for the first time. The Hydroponics / Cold Frame projects definitely count as Hands to me. To be honest, it has worked better for us to do Hands in the morning and Heart and Head in the afternoon. When we finish circle time (poetry recitation, math facts review, creative writing and journaling time), we head out to the garden for Harvest and then decide what recipes we want to make that day. We tackle all the cooking first thing. Then I get some laundry in and tidy up. After our break (11:30 - 1:30) we are ready for the second round of lessons. I am recharged, knowing that my housework is taken care of and our space is tidy and dinner isn't breathing down the back of my neck -- I always seem to need to nurse the baby right when I was about to start to cook -- and the girls have had time to run around and be active and are ready to sit and be contemplative. It works for us!

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