Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bringing Waldorf Home conference

The four posts that follow will be the contents of ONE of the TWO handouts that I passed out today at the workshop. It lists every book I brought with me to the conference for people to peruse. The first italicized first book in a category refers to the book I recommend if people are on a limited budget and can only buy one book for a subject and wish to know which book is the best overall resource. However, different books work for different people which is why I brought so many for folks to drool over. :-) It cost $65 for me to photocopy all the resources I handed out today. But we had an awesome time and I hope people really left with something in their hands that was concrete and doable, as well as some inspiration in their hearts!!! We wrote up a 9 month curriculum plan for the 1st and 2nd grade years, did some practice drawing exercises with beeswax crayons as well as a main lesson book illustration for R (Rumpelstiltskin), did the first form drawing lesson (straight line and curve) for 1st grade and some mirrored forms (traced in cornmeal on a paper plate) for 2nd grade, modeled little mice with beeswax, practiced mixing two yellows, two reds, or two blues to find the true colors, then did a color story (When Red Comes to Play) for 1st grade and a painting of a mouse in a meadow for 2nd grade, practiced a rhythmical times table exercise with beanbags, and then we ran out of time! I passed out the dowels to make knitting needles but we didn't have time to make them in the session.

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